Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Creative Twinning Design Showcase Opportunity

Creative Twinning Design Showcase - deadline extended to 25th Jan!

View and download the Information Document here
View and download the Exhibition Application Form here

Nottingham, Karlsruhe & New York March 2014

Creative Twinning  invite applications from designers based in Karlsruhe to join Nottingham and New York Designers for a showcase of their artwork and to share experiences of running a design business. The successful applicants will be invited to make a visit to Nottingham, UK in which they have the opportunity to:

 1.Take part in a Creative Twinning Showcase with an agreed selection of work at:
Debbie Bryan Studio & Shop, 18 St Mary's Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham NG1 1PH
Showcase dates Saturday 1st March – Saturday 3rd May 2014
Work to arrive at venue by Tuesday 24th February and any unsold work will be returned to Karlsruhe by the end of May 2014.
With a Private view, Drinks & canapés during your visit to Nottingham on 27th March

2. Showcase an agreed selection of work alongside Creative Twinning Designers in the Apsidal Gallery, Rufford Abbey Country Park from March-May

3. Share your story with an invited audience of like-minded designers, entrepreneurs & creative industrie

4. Participate in formal and informal networking and awareness raising events

5.Visit retail outlets and introduce your work to build links

Please note: The artist is responsible for all postage costs, including the return of your work

The visit will take place between Thursday 27th – 30th Sunday March 2014, candidates need to be available to visit Nottingham for these dates.

To apply please provide your full contact details, a brief CV and a one page summary (in English) of:

1. Your product;
2. The story of your commercial success and any obstacles you face;
3. Your customers and why they buy your products;
4. Any awards or competitions you have been considered for.

Please also include 5 recent images of your work and any web-links. You must also complete a worksheet with information about the work you would bring for the showcase.(Download above)

The closing date for applications is Friday 24th January 2014

Our contact in Karlsruhe is Angelika Schmidt, City of Karlsruhe, Culture Office - Department of International Relations. E-mail:
She is willing to assist with queries about the project.

But applications must be submitted to:

Monday, 16 September 2013

Creative Twinning, CT meet New York, NY!

Thanks to support from Design Factory, THE organisation for UK Designer/Makers, in mid October we're off to New York with four other amazing designers, Katie Almond, Stuart Akroyd, Phiona Richards and Gizella Warburton. In addition, we are  showcasing alongside 12 UK based and 12 US based designers at the Textile Arts Center in Manhattan. Find out more about them by visiting our People page.

At it's heart, the trip is a trade research mission to discover what the US market holds for UK makers, to meet potential buyers and network with local designers. We'll all be there for at least 5 days, and hope to return laden with contacts and opportunities over the pond! I'd be lying if I said there won't be any shopping but for me (Jayne) a highlight will be a stroll along The High Line, a landscaped park built on an old overground freight line through the heart of the city. It looks amazing!

On Thursday 10th October we'll be taking part in a 'Global Craft Conversation' which will take the form of a live video link between Nottingham/ New York/ Karlsruhe (hopefully)! We'll be talking about creating our own opportunities and how these very different cities make that possible. The Nottingham leg of the 'Global Craft Conversation' is being hosted by Broadway Projector, spaces are strictly limited so email Carrie Blake to book a place

All the threads are coming together and plans we've been making for over 12 months are now reality. Thank goodness for understanding partners and families, we're on the road again!

Rufford Showcase

We were delighted to be invited to showcase our work at Rufford Abbey Country Park. The fantastic Arts Development team at Nottinghamshire County Council have been so supportive of us from the start, and have allowed us to fill the Apsidal Gallery with Creative Twinning work. we'll have work in there until April 2014 on a rolling programme.

The Apsidal Gallery at Rufford Park
So far, we are showing the work of Jayne, Debbie and Hannah. In October, we plan to add work from designers joining us in New York for Twinning events. Finally in March 2014 we will showcase the Creative Twinning designers who will visit us from Karlsruhe and New York.

We are planing a 'Meet the Makers' event  when you can come along and meet the international visitors, see their designs up close and talk to them about their work, hopes and future plans.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Exciting Developments for Creative twinning

We have been a bit quiet on here, but that is because we have been so busy in our Creative Twinning world.

So far in 2013 we have been mentoring students at Central College Nottingham. Debbie, Jayne and Hannah, along with designers Ashi Marwaha, Suet Yi Yip, Gillian Lee Smith and Kit Anderson. 

In June 2013, Debbie Jayne, Hannah, Ashi and Kit exhibited at Eunique Applied Arts Fair in Karlsruhe for the third time and were accompanied by new designers Sam Robinson, Paula Briggs. It was a very successful event again.

The 8 students we mentored, Mandi Chandler (Curriculum Manager at CCN) along with tutors Julian and Steve form the college all visited Karlsruhe, exhibiting work and making links with colleges and designers in the city. They also visited Eunique and the students did an amazing job helping the Creative Twinning Designers set up their stands for the show.

But now onto the second half of the year. We will again be mentoring students at Central College Nottingham in the next academic year - we will be doing a shout out for new mentors very soon.

We also have amazing things happening in October, with another International excursion but we will keep you in suspense and just say keep the 10th October 2013 free! We will working with Cheryl and Carrie from Broadway in Nottingham on a very special event.