Leonore Jock |
Susanne Högner |
Jutta Becker |
In association with Projector at Broadway, on the afternoon of Thursday 27th March we will be deep in Conversation with designers on the Projector programme, discussing 'Challenges'.
After that at 5.30pm we'll be hosting the private view of the Creative Twinning Showcase at Debbie Bryan Studio and Shop on St Mary's Gate. All are welcome, but please do book your place!
On Friday we're off to the Craft Centre at Rufford Abbey and Country Park, where Creative Greenhouse will be hosting a 'Kreativ Kaffe' networking session. Refreshments are provided by Creative Greenhouse, you bring the conversation! All welcome, simply book here.
The designers are then being whisked off to have a guided tour of Harley Gallery and Studios, before we return to Nottingham for a more relaxed Friday night in Nottingham.
The designers will be Nottingham based on Saturday with visits to Nottingham Contemporary, the Castle and other art venues across the city.
Please let us know if you would like to be involved with the designers visits or if you would like to chat to them. They are really excited about visiting Nottingham- so let's make their stay a warm and welcoming one!