Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas Greetings

It's been a busy year here at Creative Twinning HQ. One of our partners, Hannah, had her second son Ethan a few weeks ago. Congratulations Hannah, John and Isaac! Debbie has been expanding her shop in Nottingham's Lace Market, making more space to include more items from our Karlsruhe twins. And I (Jayne) have just moved house, so the Creative Twinning correspondence address has changed, check it out on our Contact page.

We are delighted to have Creative Twinning showcased in Karlsruhe right now. 2014 twin Jutta Becker invited us to show work in her small but perfectly formed shop on Marienstrasse in Karlsruhe.

We are delighted with how it looks and can't wait to develop this relationship further- in the meantime check out Jutta's work online

In 2015, we plan to return to Eunique and to invite some more Karlsruhe 'Twins' to Nottingham. if you are a designer and would like to get involved in either trip, please get in touch. See you soon, have a Happy New Year!