Thursday, 5 January 2017

Creative Twinning comes to an end

For the last five years Creative Twinning has been developing links between designers on a local, regional and international level. Over that time we have been involved in opportunities in Karlsruhe, Germany and New York, more locally Nottingham and in the county of Nottinghamshire.

We have worked with over 50 U.K. based designers and creative students and 12 outside the U.K. We have exhibited in New York and five times in Karlsruhe. Designers brought together by Creative Twinning have collaborated on award winning designs, exhibited together and created new work.

As partners, our own creative practices have been enriched by our own Twinning experiences. We have developed new work in response to international visits, influenced  by designers with whom we have worked. However, due to the increase in our individual workloads, Creative Twinning is no longer able to accept new projects and now this journey has come to an end.

We began Creative Twinning to establish links with designers outside our home city of Nottingham and to expand our horizons beyond the U.K. So although we are sad to bring our Creative Twinning activities to an end, we are immensely proud of what we have achieved. The friendships we have made will last a lifetime and the influence on us will inform our creativity for years to come. We would like to thank our partners both in the UK and Germany for their support.

We have updated the website to reflect this change. You will still be able to read previous posts on the blog, but for any other information you will need to contact us individually. Our Creative Twinning email will no longer be monitored.
-Debbie Bryan can be contacted through her website
-Jayne Childs is J.C. Middlebrook, you can email her via the contact page
-Hannah Lobley can be found at