I am working and using recycling material as basic- material of my art since my childhood. As an
artist I am taking responsibility in using economical and recycling material for I want to take care
for the health of earth, of the nature, of life in its whole.
Studying arts in India and United states in the early eighties I found the awareness of recycling
material as basic-material for art in the childrem-museum of fine arts in Boston. There for example
people could buy cleaned old cups from yoghurts or bottles to create puppets and masks in
workshop with children. I was very amused about this, that people gave money for the cleaned
yoghurt-cups in the museum but didn't clean their yoghurt-cups at home... this would have been a
different worth-thing in their minds.
2004 + 2005 I have been artist in residence in romania 2005/6 I have been artist in residence in
New Delhi, India. There I started to dry and collect the teabags after drinking my tea. Back in
Germany I continued collecting the old teabags, and created a Kimono made of 600 teabagpapers
for my art-project „Come to dinner – evention to all nations and religions“ exhibition in Karlsruhe:

2007 I created a dress with teabag-papers from red tea
2009 I created the 1st Karlsruher Teebollenhut
Tell us about any obstacles you face and any commercial successes you've had
Until now I didn't really do the cloths commercial, just create them for my art-project „Come to
dinner – invention to all nations and religions“ because for dinner it's a must to wear special
For future I dream of creating more individual and crazy hats for Ascot and get the recomend of Charles Barnet and sell it for the happening in Berkshire.
Tell us about your 'customers'
My customers are visitors of my exhibitions and they buy the hats, because they can used it in real in
summer. Also I give workshops in creating your own individual sun-hat with old teabagpapers.
Renate is a member of GEDOK Karlsruhe and International Association of Paper Artists and PaperMakers (iapma)
Please join Renate Schweizer and her glo(c)bal art project and her eco design with old used teabags
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