Monday 11 July 2011

Stage two - Nottingham Twinning Showcase

Now that we've returned from Karlsruhe, we're busy planning the next stage of our project. As you'll remember, we three designers visited Nottingham's twin city of Karlsruhe in Germany at the end of May. The aim was to make links with designers there and begin a process which would end in us inviting three eco-designers to come and showcase in Nottingham during Creative October 2011.

Luckily for us, the Eunique team and local agencies were really helpful to us in making those links. The show catalogue helpfully noted where designers were from, so we were able to go to Karlsruhe designer's stand and chat to them about our ideas.

Since we have returned we have been working on the second stage of the plan, that of inviting applications from designers in Karlsruhe. NTU's Future Factory has agreed to host some events where the visiting designers will be asked to reflect on their experience of being an 'Eco-designer' in Germany. We'll also have a three week exhibition of work. Last Friday we met to firm up our plans and have a look round a potential showcase venue, NCN's gallery space on Stoney Street in Nottingham.

The next stage is to send the invitations to apply, and hopefully select the best three to join us for our showcase and talks programme. Those will be sent this week and we look forward to seeing what response we get.

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